President’s Comments
April 2001
Last quarter I reported on where the 220SMA stands in the areas of membership participation and accomplishment of our goals. I asked for feedback on my report and encouraged those of you interested in helping to pick an area and get involved. I have not heard from anyone. My schedule doesn't provide time for engaging in unproductive activities, so I will not bore you with my pleas for participation this quarter and keep this column to a minimum.
SECOND QUARTER MEETING - Since becoming President of the 220SMA I have had a practice of rotating the General Meeting location around Southern California in order to allow a larger number of members to attend. The Second Quarter means we move North and / or West and the location of April's meeting will be on the LA - Ventura County Line in Agoura. I hope to see a larger than normal number of our Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Northern Los Angeles County members. The location is right off of the Ventura Freeway (US 101) and should be a relatively easy trip for most of our other members. Remember that Sign-In now starts at 9:30 so there is plenty of time to get there.
CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS CHANGE - A proposal to make changes to our Charter Documents was introduced at the January General Meeting. The proposed changes are described elsewhere in this Newsletter. You need to be in attendance at the April meeting if you want to have a say on this issue.
ON-LINE REQUEST FOR COORDINATION FORM - As promised last quarter, the 220SMA RFC is now available on-line at our Web page <>. Look for the Forms link on the Home page.
WEB SITE REORGANIZATION - In a continuing attempt to make 220SMA membership valuable, the Web site was slightly re-organized in late January. Among other enhancements, there is now a link on the MEMBERS ONLY page that allows Association members to communicate with the 222 MHz Coordination Board. This is not a substitution for formal RFC submissions, but does allow for messages to be sent to all Board members at one time.
My current schedule has me spending a significant amount of time out of Southern California, but I am always available for questions via email, and would certainly like to hear from those with any ideas for improving the Association. I'll see you in Agoura.
Jim Fortney, K6IYK P.O. Box 3419, Camarillo, CA 93011-3419 805-491-3916