General Meeting Notice
3rd Saturday of 1st Month of each Quarter
Membership Application / Renewal
220SMA Forms
Membership Application
Request for Coordination
RFC Submissions
Members ONLY Pages
Latest Info on Association Activities - A 220SMA Membership Benefit
220SMA eMail Reflector
Association Minutes
Coordination Board Reports
Coordination Board Membership
Coordination Board Policy and Procedure
Communicating with the Coordination Board
220SMA Pictures Page

The 220SMA is a NOT FOR PROFIT Association of Amateur Radio operators dedicated to education about, and technical and operational management of, the Amateur Radio 220 MHz. Bands. The Association represents all modes of operation and develops Band Plans intended to facilitate the maximum practicable use of the spectrum. Membership in the Association is open to individual Amateur Radio Operators in an effort to allow for maximum representation from all interest segments, and minimize the influence of any one special interest area. A Coordination Board operates within the Association to perform the formal coordination activities associated with the 219 MHz. Digital Linking and 222 MHz. Repeater Coordination activities.
General questions about the 220SMA or its Band Plan should be directed to the President. Communications involving the 219 MHz Digital Coordination activities or the 222 MHz Repeater and Auxiliary Coordination activities are required to be in writing and should be mailed to the attention of the Coordination Board at:

220 MHz Spectrum Management Assn
PO Box 12456
Newport Beach, CA 92658